In 2005, while her husband, Major (Retired) Scotty Smiley, was deployed in Iraq, he was severely injured by a suicide car bomb. At the time of his injury, Tiffany was working as a nurse and quit her job to become a full-time caregiver for Scotty. Over the next several years, Tiffany became the mother to three young children, President and Co-Founder of Hope Unseen and Tiffany and has most recently launched, More Than Me, a movement and conference dedicated to helping women share their journeys to impact and change their communities.
Tiffany has appeared on Fox News, CBS, CNN, and the Katie Couric show, as well as multiple radio shows and has contributed to the Wall Street Journal. She travels across the country speaking in various churches and corporations.
Additionally, Tiffany works as an advocate for Veterans, Caregivers and their families on local and national levels, and has been asked to brief the President of the United States. She is recognized as an Elizabeth Dole Fellow and is regularly asked to meet with high-level officials to bring reform to the VA in her state and on a national level.
All events call for custom speeches but here is a list of common subjects:
• the power of the comeback
• choosing joy
• finding freedom in all circumstances
• finding & living your purpose
She travels all over the country speaking at churches, conferences, seminars and events about all of these things and more,
Check out the Press page to see the national and local media outlets Tiffany has contributed to.